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Webinar recap: plain language at work

Updated: 2 days ago

This Clear Language Lab webinar took place on November 17, 2023 as part of the Plain Language Foundations series. Check out the notes below, or access the webinar recording and slides.

Key points

  • Effective communication at work means:

    • People have the information they need to do their job

    • There are clear and easy ways to get information if we don’t already have what we need

    • Expectations for tasks and responsibility are explicitly explained

    • Communication loops are closed

  • Everyone benefits from clear, concise, relevant, and actionable information 

  • Communication practices have a significant impact on worker satisfaction and performance

Topic specific tips

In general

  • Avoid information overload by breaking information into sections or chunks with a descriptive heading

  • Include internal communication expectations in your style guides and onboarding materials 

  • When making requests, be specific about what you need and when you need it

When giving instructions

  • Break large tasks into more bite-sized sections (3-5 steps max) 

  • Use numbers to show the order of steps

  • Include the “why”

When communicating by email

  • Provide appropriate background information

  • Limit information to 1-2 topics or requests

  • Use a specific and descriptive subject 

  • Close the loop

    • If you need time to gather information before responding to questions, tell them that

    • Confirm receipt of direct messages, even if there isn’t a specific request 

When giving feedback

  • Allow people to “opt-in”

  • Use specific data and examples

  • Explain the impact

  • Make it a conversation


General plain language

Workplace communication 

Email etiquette 

Equity and diversity

Interested in learning more about professional development at Clear Language Lab? Check out other past webinars, find upcoming events on our training page, or contact Sarah Glazer, Sr. Program Manager, at to learn more about our offerings.

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