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Case Study: University of Chicago Urban Labs: Health Lab

Project: Informational Flyer

Sector: Health

Audience + Purpose: Share clear information about a study with potential participants

Original Document

Flyer for Critical Time Intervention. There are blue arrows explaining each phase of the services on the left-hand side. The other half of the flyer answers frequently asked questions and contains a lot of information.


  • Lots of information to share

  • Sector jargon can be confusing


  • Make benefits of program easy to understand

  • Outline expectations clearly

  • Have a friendly, informative tone

Updated Version

New flyer for Critical care services. Information can be read linearly and the process is explained in greater detail using headers and images.

What We Did:

  • Streamlined information to be read linearly

  • Added icons to illustrate "big" concepts

  • Simplified headings and timeline

  • Made tone warm yet appropriate for the context

  • Reduced use of jargon and acronyms when possible

Feedback from the Community Voices Project:

"Gets to the point..."

"Pictures caught my attention and made me want to read it..."

Big Takeaways:

  1. Think about the order that people are used to reading information

  2. Use familiar language and explain needed jargon that will be helpful going forward

  3. Use visuals to anchor ideas, show relationships, and add interest

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